Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I Return

 I haven’t written blogged or tweeted very much lately. It’s been three weeks since Amber Gifts was picked up by Champagne Books. Since then I’ve just been coasting along. I’ve tried to build up a good head of steam to get back into writing the third story, but it’s been a struggle. Lives, reality, all those nasty little vermin in our lives have seen doing their best to sabotage my efforts.

 I did get to thinking about the future of my little stories and have sketched out, in my mind at least seven books. I think seven is a nice number. Don’t you? It should give me just enough time (pun intended) to complete a very nice story arc. They may become more linear as time (pun not intended here) goes on. I just have to do the work.

I could get the manuscript back from the publisher any time for edits. I don’t know what to expect and worry about what they will want. I’m also really interested in what the cover will look like. I’m sure I’ll like it.

Eventually I’m going to need to figure out how to dig up more followers and some potential clients. I’d like to sell a couple of hundred books in my life time. That’s not asking a lot, is it?
